Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Colorado Trail Race Profile

A couple of people have asked where I camped on the CTR in 2010. Click on the image below to see the complete CTR profile--my camping spots are marked on the bottom in white numbers. After you click, you may need to zoom on the photo a bit to see the details.

Also, here's an overview map. Again, click and zoom!

OK, I confess: I camped at Super 8 in Leadville!


  1. Thanks Toby--very appreciated!

  2. Awesome - The funniest thing is that I have posted on the wall, just to the right of my desk, an elevation profile of the CTR that I marked up with pencil .. they are nearly identical! But yours looks a lot better :-) I think I may print this out and get it laminated for the race this year!

  3. Glad to help! Perrygeo (Matt?), let me know if you want me to print you a high-res version. I'll be producing maps in the next few days, and I'd be more than happy to print a few extras. Blogger down-samples images, so the the one that I posted is a bit blurry...
